Featured Rider: Allen Thomas


How long have you been using MoGo?

I have been using MoGo since March 2020.


Why do you use MoGo?

I use MoGo for exercise. My life’s mantra is “If you rest, you rust.”


What are the biggest benefits MoGo has provided?

The biggest benefits that MoGo has provided me are exercise, recreation, and fun. And the electric bikes are like the energizer bunny… you keep going and going and going!




How did you commute before using MoGo?

Before MoGo, my main form of commuting was by car.


How has MoGo changed your experience in Detroit or our other service areas?

MoGo has allowed me to experience Detroit in a bigger way by expanding my sense of adventure.


Where would you like a new station?

I would love to see a MoGo station in Pontiac. There is so much to see and experience in such an historic city.


Anything else?

I love the opportunity to use my senior discount to experience MoGo. It allows me to stay active and healthy. I recommend MoGo to other seniors so that they can stay healthy too!


See more of MoGo’s Featured Riders!


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