Featured Rider: Michael Gruzwalski

How long have you been using MoGo?

I’ve been using MoGo for 5 years.


Why do you use MoGo?

I use MoGo for health and wellness, the occasional commute to work, taking in the scenery of the city, or grabbing a bite to eat!


What are the biggest benefits MoGo has provided?

Definitely the convenience and reliability. 


How did you commute before using MoGo?



How has MoGo changed your experience in Detroit or our other service areas?

MoGo has more so forced me to get out and explore the City of Detroit. MoGo provides that option in a very healthy and green way!


Where would you like a new station?

I would recommend the West Side Industrial area (Rosa Parks and Jefferson) and more out Mexicantown way! (West of Clark Park).


Anything else?

How about adding some more Boost bikes! (Note from MoG0: we’re on it!)


See more of MoGo’s Featured Riders!


Interested in being a featured rider? DM us on Instagram @mogodetroit, or email Jeremy@MoGoDetroit.org!