In January 2021, the Better Bike Share Partnership (BBSP) awarded MoGo a 2.5 year grant that (1) seeks to understand the barriers that exist between connecting bike share and bus transit trips (and visa versa) and (2) to develop solutions that would make this connection easier and more user-friendly.
This grant project developed out of a 2018 pilot between DDOT and MoGo in which individuals who purchased a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly DDOT pass also received a free 30-days of MoGo, called the DDOTxMoGo Pass. Those who redeemed the pass rode more than average and the majority of all trips started or ended near stations adjacent to bus stops such as Rosa Parks Transit Center or Woodward & Peterboro. However, there was also a large amount of people who received a free DDOTxMoGo pass that chose not to activate it.
MoGo is working with a number of partners, including Wayne State University, DDOT, SMART, the City of Detroit's Office of Mobility Innovation (OMI), Transit app, and the New Urban Mobility Alliance (NUMO) to analyze existing data, collect user/rider feedback, and build solutions that will better connect MoGo with bus transit in Metro Detroit.
After our Fall 2021 survey received over 1000 responses, through on-board surveying, mailers, the Transit app, and more, we are proud to publish the results. Please follow this link to view the PDF:
#1: Payment Systems Integration, such as the DART App, that includes bus transit, bikeshare, and other mobility options in the same app would make transfers easier for riders.
#2: Increase Cash-Based Payment Methods for MoGo, in order to be more accessible to bus riders that are paying for those systems in cash
#3: Expanding Accessible Bikeshare Options for those with Disabilities because paratransit is a major component of the regional transit system and there are ways that MoGo can grow its connections with that system.
#4: General Wayfinding Improvements in order to make it quicker and easier for riders to get from a bus stop to a MoGo station and vice versa.
#5: Improved Placement of MoGo Stations to make transfer times shorter between systems
#6: Broader Network Service Improvements. This is a broad category that includes the fact that as we grow our transit systems throughout the region, including bus, bikeshare, and others, we can grow together and strengthen our offerings to riders across the region.
We want to hear from you! To keep up with informational sessions, community meetings, survey opportunities, and focus groups, enter your email address here. You can also text MoGo to (313) 474-6112.
Have questions for us? Send us an email at!
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