Featured Rider: Shady Elias


How long have you been using MoGo?

My first experience with MoGo was taking the Biking 101 class last September. I had never really learned how to bike, and it had been over 15 years since I last rode one, so I was very rusty, and wanted to give it a try with other like-minded folks who were in the same boat. The class was very useful and the instructor was very patient. I was still pretty rusty after the class, so it took some more practice, but I got back my confidence in riding a bike!


Why do you use MoGo?

Since I never really learned to bike, I never owned one. When summer came, there was a need to be active, especially because the coronavirus had been keeping people isolated at home. So, I started riding MoGo’s when I had quick tasks, because I didn’t have to worry about locking the bike or transporting it around. I would opt to take the bike around and plan routes to explore different neighborhoods, keeping in mind the location of MoGo stations.


What are the biggest benefits MoGo has provided?

Exercise, and having the ability to explore different parts of neighborhoods that I hadn’t previously noticed. You can see so much more on bike than on foot, while at the same time maintaining a pace that allows you to take everything in.


How did you commute before using MoGo?

I would say I either drove everywhere, Ubered, or walked.


How has MoGo changed your experience in Detroit or our other service areas?

It has allowed me to experience new areas of Detroit that I hadn’t seen before. A good example is the Dequindre Cut: I had been to Eastern Market many times before, but not ridden on the Dequindre Cut. Once I saw that there were a couple of stations in that area, it encouraged me to try it out. I also got friends who don’t have bikes of their own and some out-of-towners to try the ride with me down to the waterfront and back; a ride like that wouldn’t have happened if not for MoGo and the convenient station locations.


Where would you like a new station?

It’d be cool to see MoGo expand even further, beyond metro Detroit, even to state parks if possible. I’d love to go to places like that and not feel like I need my own bike!


Anything else?

I’m happy to have MoGo as an option in metro Detroit, and hope to see it expand further!


See more of MoGo’s Featured Riders!


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